in beautiful West Cork

Clonakilty Parish Church floodlight at night

Category: News Page 7 of 13

Parish Newsletter Nov.26th.2023

Parish Newsletter Nov 19th.2023

Parish Newsletter Nov.12th. 2023

Parish Newsletter Nov 5th 2023

Parish Newsletter Oct 29th 2023

Enrol in the November Novena

We owe it to our people who have died to pray for them and the greatest prayer we can offer for them is Mass. 

From Nov 2nd to the 10th, Masses will be offered in the parish church at 10am and at 7pm each day for the Holy Souls.

You are invited to enrol people in the Novena by using one of the envelopes and lists available in the churches. 

You can also use the ‘Donate’ button to submit the list of people to be remembered.) It’s a secure and safe way of also making a donation to the parish.

“Eternal rest grant to them, O Lord. May they rest in peace”

View from Myross old graveyard, near Union Hall, Co Cork

Newsletter Oct.22nd.2023

Newsletter Oct 15th.2023

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