Clonakilty and Darrara Parish

in beautiful West Cork

Clonakilty Parish Church floodlight at night

Holy Communion Mass for Darrara and Knockskeagh schools

Congratulations and every blessing to the pupils of Darrara National School and Knockskeagh National School who received their First Holy Communion today at Clonakilty. Special thanks to the school staff who prepared them for this special day.

First Holy Communion Mass for Darrara NS at Clonakilty Church.
First Holy Communion Mass for Knockskeagh NS at Clonakilty Church.

First gathering of Legion of Mary members in West Cork after Covid

There was joy and smiles all around as the first gathering of Legion of Mary members in West Cork in several years took place at Darrara on Friday May 19th.

The renewal of commitment ceremony was held with Mass at Darrara Church. Everyone filled the Community Centre in Darrara afterwards for refreshments and lots of catchup chat.

Parish Newsletter May 21st 2023

Learn about and see the Peregrine Falcon

A free presentation and viewing in the Parish Centre after Mass on Wednesday morning (10.30am).

An Céad Comaoineach

First Holy Communion, Gaelscoil Mhichil Uí Choileáin, Clonakilty

Bhí ceiliúradh an spesialta son eaglais inniu nuair a fuair páistí ó Gaelscoil Uí Choileáin a gcéad Chomaoineach Naofa.

Congratulations to the pupils of Gaelscoil Mhichil Ui Choileáin who received the Lord in Holy Communion for the first time on Saturday at Mass in the parish church.

Parish Newsletter May 14th

Includes details of summer times of Masses in the Family of Parishes.

Aoife and Conor tie the sacred knot at Darrara

Marriage of Aoife O’Connor, Clonakilty to Conor Gallagher, Belfast, at Sacred Heart Church, Darrara, Clonakilty.

Congratulations to Aoife and Conor Gallagher who celebrated the Sacrament of Marriage today at Sacred Heart Church, Darrara.

People from opposite ends of the country came to celebrate the love of two people who met when they emigrated to Australia before the Covid lockdown.

They are now praying that they are locked-down for life! They are now living in Clonakilty and we welcome them and wish them every blessing.

First Holy Communion: Day 1

Congratulations to the children from St. Joseph’s Primary School and Scoil na mBuachaillí in Clonakilty who received their First Holy Communion today at Clonakilty parish church.

Thanks to the wonderful preparation and support provided by their teachers, SNAs, school principals, secretaries.

We wish them and they families every blessing today and always.

St. Joseph’s Primary School — First Holy Communion at Clonakilty Church.
Scoil na mBuachaillí — First Holy Communion at Clonakilty

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