This is the outline of the Enrolment Ceremony for First Holy Communion. It takes place at Sunday Mass.
This is the template for the Parent Leaders planning the Mass.
Template for Enrolment Masses with First Holy Communion families

The Relics will arrive at Clonakilty Church at 2pm on Thursday 31st October. There will time for veneration of the relics from 2.30pm until evening Mass with Bishop Fintan at 8pm and from 9pm to 10pm.
On Friday morning Nov 1st there will be silent veneration from 7am until Mass at 10am (after which the relics leave).
St. Bernadette’s relics will be located near the sanctuary gates. Each person will be able to come close to the relics, pause and pray. There will be petition boxes for written petitions which will be taken to Lourdes. There will also be a donations box to help pay for the pilgrimage costs.

There will be a collection at each of the two Masses.
Parking will be limited. On Thursday the church car park will remain closed until 12 noon. Pedestrian access only for the 10am Mass.
The church will open on Thursday at 12.30pm. On Thursday and Friday entry for cars will be only via the Post Office gate and Exit only at Western Road. Part of the car park is reserved for people with mobility stickers.
If possible, walk to the church. Entry for veneration will be via the western main door with special access for people with mobility issues via the side door facing the street.
While waiting in the church to venerate the relics please keep a respectful and prayerful silence. The rosary will be prayed on the hour every hour.
St. Bernadette of Lourdes pray for us.